I’d like to become a flower farmer – Can I pick your brain?

Consultations/ Resources for aspiring flower farmers…

We’re often asked by aspiring flower farmers for consultations/ information on flower farming. We’re currently unable to offer consultations sorry, but here is a list of resources that helped us immensely on our journey. We’ve also included a link to our own Flower Farming Tips article from back in 2018 when Will Work For Food visited us for an article.

http://www.willworkforfood.com.au/farmgrow/2018/flowerfarmingtips Link to our own tips for flower farmers from 2018 article by Will Work For Food

Online resources USA based:

www.thegardenersworkshop.com So much wonderful information and online courses

https://notillflowers.libsyn.com This is a fantastic podcast by Flower Farming guru Jennie Love

https://www.ascfg.org This is the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers. A tremendous resource for growers all around the globe.

https://www.youtube.com/user/baremtnfarm Great Youtube resources here from a Flower Farming couple in the U.S.

https://charlottemsmith.com/podcast/ Great resource for marketing your farm

https://growingformarket.com Love this magazine! Covers a huge array of topics for growers of flowers and veggie

https://www.debraprinzing.com This lady started the “Slow Flowers” concept

Online resources Australian based:


https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/dish-the-dirt/id1518474952 Dish The Dirt Podcast. A Great podcast featuring Australian flower farmers

https://www.regennarration.com Not really flower related but a great Aussie regenerative farming podcast

https://charliearnott.com.au/podcast/ More great general regenerative farming info podcast


The Flower Farmer – Lynn Byczynski
Cool Flowers- Lisa Mason Ziegler
Dead Head- Jeriann Sabin/ Ralph Thurston

Handmade Gardening Tools

https://www.fdryan.com artisan handmade – great quality and prices

Seed Suppliers:


Home 2



http://www.yladlivingsoils.com.au certified organic compost



Cool room / Cool Bot suppler
